Brooks Students For Change

THANK YOU to the Students for Change for raising over $1,000 in food for the foodbank. Thank you so much for helping to make a difference.

Brooks Student Capstone Project

A special shout out of thanks to Brooks student Reed Worthen who completed his capstone project and raised $200 for the foodbank. Great work and thanks for caring!

Knights of Columbus donate winter coats

We want to thank Grand Knight Dave Formosa and all the brothers for their generous donation of 72 new winter coats for children in need. They increased the donation amount from last year because of overwhelming demand and we thank them for their kindness in helping their community.

Thank you again, Dominos Pizza

Dominos has raised funds again for the food bank – we just received $1,525. Thanks so much for your continued support in raising food insecurity awareness and helping us in “Feeding Our Community”!

Toy Run was a Huge Success!

The Toy Round-up ride/drive held Sep 8 brought in about $7,000 of toys for Xmas gifts. THANKS EVERYONE!

More thanks to our generous community!

THANKS everyone at Logger Sports for the donations at the gate. You are all helping us with “Feeding Our Community”! RBC donated $1,500 and volunteered! Thanks for your generosity!!!

Domino’s Pizza cash donation

. We received a giant cheque from Domino’s Pizza after their participation in the High Roller Motorcycle event last weekend. Thanks to Domino’s and all who participated for helping in “Feeding Our Community”.

Wheels & Keels Upholstery

Big thanks for repairing our tent! We use this tent regularly and greatly appreciate your generosity.