2020 Annual General Meeting Sept 28th at 1pm

Food Bank AGM Monday Sept 28th at 1pm; at the Foodbank. Room for a few at the Foodbank and the meeting will be virtual by Skype if you want to join from home. If you need help with Skype call Debbie 604-414-3540. Link for Skype: https://join.skype.com/PPPOdZXvIY4K Download Financials, Minutes and Agenda available at the Skype … Read more

Thank you PR Carpenters

Big thanks for cheques received from Powell River Carpenters Society and CMAW LOCAL 2020 for helping us out to “Feed Our Community”. And THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! for the extra support received in the last few months.

Identification protocol update for COVID-19

Identification protocols have been relaxed during this unprecedented time of COVID-19. Usually ID and proof of income must be shown; currently these are not necessary. If anyone is in need, whether waiting for a cheque or EI, or having nothing to eat, please come down, we will help.

Produce and thanks

Any farmers with produce, chicken eggs can take advantage of our 25% Provincial Farm Tax Credit to donate to us. We will be starting up our greenhouse this weekend to help provide fresh veggies to clients We want to thank everyone our community and beyond who has donated much needed cash to us. Special thanks to … Read more

Statistics update

We have some more recent numbers for anyone who’s interested. Low Income Levels have been updated as well.

COVID-19 Health Precautions

For the time being, the protocol at the Food Bank will be to show your ID through the glass door. Your food will be passed out through the door to you. No exchanges and no special requests. No one will be allowed into the Food Bank. Thank you for your understanding. We have been asked … Read more

Holiday Hours

Seasons greetings to all! We are closed for the Holidays and will reopen January 2, 2020!

Summer Event Fundraising

We’ve been busy at the summer events in Powell River, selling food to raise funds. Logger Sports, Blackberry Street Festival, Pride in the Park, and Arts Festivals attenders enjoyed our offerings and helped raise over over $3500! Thanks Powell River!!!